Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I wrote on here, but since I did a 2018 goals/predictions post, I thought it would be nice to revisit that and do one for next year.
Here are the goals I wrote at the start of the year:
- I’d really like to keep all my competition averages below 7.5 seconds in 2018, but this might be a bit tricky.
- Hmm, not quite. 62/65 of my averages in comp were sub 7.5. I’m very confident that I’ll be able to get a pure sub 7.5 year in 2019, but that won’t be one of my specified goals. The stat I’m happier about this year is that 75% of my official 3x3 averages were sub 7.
- I want to try and keep up with Max across all his disciplines, but if that’s proving impossible, then I’ll try and narrow my focus.
- Max is a beast, I’ve narrowed my focus a bit to 3x3, but I still find the other NxN events too enjoyable to make any drastic changes. Awesome hardware improvements in 6x6 and 7x7 are also great motivation to keep practicing.
- Lastly, I’d like to keep improving my results across all WCA events (minus feet) and am looking forward to a battle with Jay to maintain the top spot in Kinchranks.
- Lol! That ‘battle’ lasted a few months, Mr Chapel and Mr Egdal are well and truly dominating here. Still, I was happy with some results in the events I don’t practice - new PBs in stuff like 2x2, Skewb, Square-1, 5BLD were all nice, and my one MultiBLD attempt for the year was also a PB!
And, here are the predictions I made at the start of the year.
- Max Park will break more than a dozen world records in 2018, and claim US National Championship titles across all his main events (3x3-7x7 and OH).
- Boom! Should have been more generous with the WR count.
- Sebastian will get a 4x4 world record single with parity.
- All cubers on the Euros 3x3 podium will be over 20 years old.
- Nailed it! I just think that Mats, Phil and Seb are such excellent consistent competitors, and have been for a really long time, which is why I made this prediction. There isn’t anyone else in Europe with the speed or experience of these three, just yet.
- The Nahm will break a world record! (Really hoping this one comes true)
- Very easy to see, but by the end of the year, there'll be 5 people with >40 point MultiBLD results in competition.
- Only 4, but there is a 40 point result too.
- There'll be another funny Kian storyline at CubingUSA Nationals. Maybe instead of jumping from 1st to 92nd, he'll place 92nd in the first round and end up winning the final.
- Not really, but he’s going to win OH at worlds next year.
So, on to my speedcubing goals for the year. I think that goals are most effective when they are in that slightly uncomfortable zone. Too easy and you won’t stretch yourself, too hard and you’ll get demotivated. I also like to keep the focus fairly narrow. I took a look at my old goals (since 2015), and of the quantifiable goals, I've actually only achieved 3 of 8. These are definitely stretch goals.
Besides general improvement and competition performance, my specific goals for this year are:
- Given that it’s a World Championship year, I’d like to podium in 3x3-7x7 and OH. Given just how competitive speedcubing is becoming, and how much of a role variance can play, I think this will be exceptionally challenging, particularly for 3x3, 4x4, and OH. For example, at US Nationals 2018, I podiumed in 3-7, and Mega (not OH), and at Asian Championships 2018 I podiumed in 5-7, OH, and Mega. Not going to put megaminx on here for next year because I’m pretty sure JP, Nicolas and Amos are all attending worlds, so I’ll probably neglect megaminx a bit this time around.
- Get the fastest official 3x3 average in competition for the calendar year of 2019. To complete this streak for the decade of 2010-2019 would be so sweet.
Now for the fun - prediction time!
Safe bet:
- Max Park defends his US Titles for 3x3-7x7 and OH, as well as adds a US podium for megaminx.
Slightly Riskier:
- By the end of the year:
- 5 people will have sub 6 3x3 averages.
- 5 people will have sub 10 OH averages.
- 5 people will have sub 20 3BLD means.
- The difference between 1st and 4th place at Worlds will be less than 0.2 seconds.
Let me know if you have any goals or predictions for speedcubing this year :)
Charlie Valiente Posted 6 years ago
Prediction : someone will get a sub 5 3x3 wr average
Steven Chau Posted 6 years ago
Sub-5 avg is a really big drop from the current 5.80 WR avg, but ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE!!!
Noah Marsh Posted 6 years ago
Prediction: Max Park gets OH single WR
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
I don't think anybody will get a new 3x3 world record single anytime soon
Ethan Varn Posted 6 years ago
Prediction: Lucas Etter will finally return to competition and get a sub 7 average.
Noah Marsh Posted 6 years ago
I'm not sure if you were talking to me, Silas, but I meant One-Handed WR single.
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
I wasn't :)
Sam Durocher Posted 6 years ago
Hey Feliks. Three questions. How did you set up your GAN356X? Lube? Tensions? Magnets? Nuts? (Hee Hee.) :p
Two, are you going to do a ZBLL section with videos and a pdf? I'm pretty sure you've said you know full T ZBLL? It would be really nice to know!
And lastly, what is this GAN Infinity cube? Do you use it? (If you can only say some things or nothing, it's okay.)
Steven Chau Posted 6 years ago
ZBLL Algs: http://www.brookscubing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Anthony-Brooks-ZBLL.pdf
ZBLL Trainer: http://bestsiteever.ru/zbll/
Just want to help :)
Mohammed Al Said Posted 6 years ago
I think the 3x3 wr single will be broken only once and thats it.
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
lol just got 3.47........ on a 2x2
Leandro170 170 Posted 6 years ago
That's great!
will you add some new tutorials here on this year?i'm really interested in learning 2x2 and Skewb.
Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 6 years ago
Goal for myself: become sub 25 :) ( I'm a 33 second solver on 3x3)
Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 6 years ago
go to a COMPETITION (my first)
get a 7x7 and learn square-1
get better 4x4-6x6
get faster in general!
Alejandro Liñán Posted 6 years ago
upload tutorials on how to do BLD!!
you are the most speedcuber in the history of rubik´s cube.
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
my goals are to get sub 20 and to finally start speedsolving the 4x4 and maybe get good at 5x5
Max Chan Posted 6 years ago
I want to be sub 10 on 3x3 and sub 1:20 on 5x5. Also, I have some solves on my channel if you can critique it, that would be great.
Brandon MacDonald Posted 6 years ago
do you think 2 seconds will ever be possible to get on a a 3x3
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
easily....not yet though
Sam Durocher Posted 6 years ago
Steven Chau thanks for the stuff, but i've seen that pdf already. I just wanted to see what algs Feliks uses. Thanks though!
László Csonka Posted 6 years ago
Steven Chau What's the point of the ZBLL trainer?
Moshi Tang Posted 6 years ago
Who do you think would be the 5 people with sub-6 averages on 3x3?
Liam Gerard Posted 6 years ago
I want to be sub-15 on 3x3(been working at it for around a year) and sub-2:00 on 5x5. I'll probably just record a bunch of solve critiques.
Noah Marsh Posted 6 years ago
I would like to get sub-1 minute on 4x4, get much faster at 5x5, and learn full CFOP (Just need a few PLLS and 45 or so OLLS)
Emerson Duarte Posted 6 years ago
I just got sub 20 on 3x3. Hoping for sub 1.20 on 4x4. Also get sub 3.00 on 5x5. Happy 2019!
Steven Chau Posted 6 years ago
László Csonka The point of the ZBLL trainer is to help you practice ZBLL - to remember it better since there are such a huge number of cases.
Sandy Sharma Posted 6 years ago
All the Best for the World Championship in your home country.
Really Gunning for you !!!
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 6 years ago
-Lucas Etter will rise again and will podium in 3BLD for U.S. Nationals and Worlds 2019.
-Mats Valk will break the 3.47 world record with a last layer skip.
-Feliks Zemdegs will become 3-time World Champion and he will do it with the help of a new designer orange hoodie provided by GAN.
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
These will all happen^
nathan devine Posted 6 years ago
my goal is to be sub 10 by the end of the year on 3x3. 14.5 at the moment
Tomasz Kartasiński Posted 6 years ago
I am going to get sub10 3x3 avg in comp this year and sub40 avg in 4x4 and sub1:10 avg in 5x5.
Tyler Roundy Posted 6 years ago
Average sub-4 or 5 on Pyraminx (only about 10 - 15), average sub-15 or 20 on 3x3 (only about 35 right now), and learn and get 7x7.
Tom Rasmussen Posted 6 years ago
Sub 5 2x2
Sub 15 on 3x3
Sub 55 on 4x4
Sub 2:30 on 5x5
Acquire and get decent at 6x6 and 7x7 (Hopefully the shadow and spark)
Sub 2 on Mega
Sub 10 on Pyra
And I have no clue about sq1
Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 6 years ago
another goal of mine is to get all WCA event cubes and learn to solve them quickly.
learn 2x2 BLD
Sourajit Bhattacharyya Posted 6 years ago
Goal is to get sub 10 by the end of the year. Started cubing a month ago; thanks Felix for your tutorials!
Arav Jain Posted 6 years ago
Well your predictions can be true but some might not happen
My prediction is that you will break the 3.74 record and be three time world championshion- the fastest cubers in the world Feliks Zemdegs
Charlie Holland Posted 6 years ago
I wanna get Sub-15 This year... averaging 18ish right now!
Daniel Zepeda Posted 6 years ago
I'm aiming for a sub 50 average on Megaminx this year, currently averaging around 59, as well as a sub 10 average on 3x3, which I currently average 12 ??
Elijah Brown Posted 6 years ago
I just want an official sub 7 single on 3x3 at the moment.
Jacob Shum Posted 6 years ago
My goal is to get to sub-10 on 3x3 and clock; and get to sub-15 on square-1
George Dilworth-Wild Posted 6 years ago
My goal is to cut times on everything and to go to more competitions. My main goal is to try and decrease my 3x3 average from 20 seconds to possible sub-13, perhaps getting a few sub-10s.
Jairo Santiago Posted 6 years ago
My goal is to solve 3BLD for the first time, get a sub-10 average on 3x3 and many more things.
Peter Osudar Posted 6 years ago
To share with the world the fact the these twisty puzzles that people are so "mad" about have a pure mathematical purpose.
They help one understand how to do mathematics in a matrix using:
Chromogeometical properties
Hyperbolic geometry Properties
"rational"(finite) trigonometrical formulas
fintie fields
And the notions of multisets that allow for: maxels, pixels, vexels, and singletons...
All of which all one to literally calculate their way through to a solution the same way one would solve 2x+1=5... i.e. a system of equations in a matrix...(kind of)
First step... relax on the algs... allow yourself to breath in the mathematics and realize there are only so many possibilities and not the "quintillion" nonsense thrown around.
Also... I'd like to prove this by getting my 3x3 time to a competitive level.
I.e. I need someone on a major cubing channel to mention the ideas I am talking about. I suppose they might mention me but I would much rather them talk about this "method" i.e. the natural mathematics of it. A calm and cool collected method that allows one to learn this in a reasonable amount of time.
Yeshua Zayas Posted 6 years ago
My goal is to try to learn how to BLD, OH, and learn OLL and PLL properly.
Angel Gabbott Posted 6 years ago
My goal is to get sub 10 by January.
Angel Gabbott Posted 6 years ago
Mabey 3BLD too
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
are you going to add any 2x2 videos?
明鉴 魏 Posted 6 years ago
could you teach us some EG
Noah Marsh Posted 6 years ago
I agree! And CLL
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
yeah it would be pretty awesome if you could try doing some 2x2 videos with ortega for intermediate and for advanced being able to choose which side to do and cll algs with finger tricks
Sam Durocher Posted 6 years ago
Hey Feliks. Three questions. How did you set up your GAN356X? Lube? Tensions? Magnets? Nuts? (Hee Hee.) :p
Two, are you going to do a ZBLL section with videos and a pdf? I'm pretty sure you've said you know full T ZBLL? It would be really nice to know!
And lastly, what is this GAN Infinity cube? Do you use it? (If you can only say some things or nothing, it's okay.)
Avi Garg Posted 6 years ago
I would like you to do some 2x2 videos! That would be awesome!
George Brown Posted 6 years ago
Teach 3bld
shoaff shoaff Posted 6 years ago
3Bld for sure
Jacob Shum Posted 6 years ago
Just go watch Graham or Noah for BLD
Aneurin Hunt Posted 6 years ago
I wouldn't call that 3bld prediction risky.
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
Feliks will get a sub three and beat Yusheng Du's solve by a landslide
jim chan Posted 6 years ago
feliks, get a sub 2 on 3x3 so that you'll become a LEGACY
Leo Venturini Posted 6 years ago
A minute later, Feliks gets a 3.46 with Yusheng Du sitting next to him in comp!
Silas Lickliter Posted 6 years ago
lol totally
UnKnown Cuber Posted 5 years ago
what is better GAN 356 x or GAN 356 air SM?
Samantha Alexendra Posted 5 years ago
Teach 3by3 bld
Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
@Unkown Cuber I prefer the SM because of its stability but the X is still really amazing in my opinion so jus get whatever you want depending on how much money you have
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
oh btw if you decide to get an X but instead want to pay less money and you know how to magnetize a cube, go for the R along with a magnet kit and you would only pay 25 dollars instead of 60 :P
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
congrats on the new wr average Feliks!
Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago
Please watch your profanity. Most people like the GAN X very much, as it has 5 stars out of 64 reviews on Speedcubeshop.com, and it also has 5 stars out of 52 reviews on theCubicle. Chill out.
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
Leo Venturini Posted 5 years ago
Laszlo Csonka, thats just your opinion, I think the X is great!
Congrats Feliks on your World Record Average!
Ritvik Sadhu Posted 5 years ago
your videos are nice/cool
I wish you had 2x2x2 rubix videos'
this 2019 SM is killing me out
Yours truly
Ritvik Sadhu Posted 5 years ago
the competions is wow i cannot belive it becauseits freaking me out
People are getting 2sec-13sec in 3x3x3/2x2x2
its fun Filex very fun
my friend Yash goes to a bunch of different competitions.He went to 260 COMPETITIONS!!!!
I went to 4 or 5 COMPETITIONS!!!
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
I only went to one lol
László Csonka Posted 5 years ago
Leo Venturini Yes, that's just an opinion. I'm gonna have an another X in the near future because it's better than the new SM, Valk cubes and 354 M are too small for me, so it's still the best choice right now. But I like more stable and not this flexible cubes better.
Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago
^I totally get that. Everyone has a personal preference though
László Csonka Posted 5 years ago
You can see videos about the X. You can see it's too flexible and you can't use it normally because of the misaligns, lockups and more corner twist compared to the SM.
You can see videos about the SM. There's no misaligns at all, almost 0 lockups and 0 corner twist.
People like the X more because it's newer, more quiet and basically smooth (but you need insane luck to turn it perfectly not to get lockup). And the interchangeable magnet system is perfectly unnecessary.
Hery Zo ANDRIAMANANTENA Posted 5 years ago
Hi everybody! I'm not a big cuber for the moment but I work on it! let me introduce myself, my name is Zo and I'm a Madagascar Cuber, we had our first WCA comp in Madagascar a month ago. I would like to be sub 10 in 3x3x3 but my average is about 13 seconds actually I saw all the videos of Feliks Zemdegs and I work on it everyday but this is so hard! so can you help please?! what should I do?! what is the plan?! where shoud I begin surely I should focus one by one in Cross then F2L then OLL then PLL?! my last question is how do all of you do this?! it's amazing to see all of you in youtube and I thank all of you so much because now I love playing Rubik's cube too! :D
László Csonka Posted 5 years ago
Hello. You should practice F2L. In the inspection time you could plan the first 2 pairs. If you're color neutral, it's much easier because you have more options on more colors. If you practice enough and smartly, you will see you pieces changes their positions and you won't have to stop to find fairs.
Moreover J perm has advanced F2l cases PDF file below some videos of his, you can download them. Those F2L cases help you to solve some fairs in incorrect positions as well, so you don't need to take the pairs in the standard F2L positions to solve them.
Feliks knows many, many OLL cases and OLLCP algorithms. He can solve OLLs in more positions and he can solve the corners as well.
And he uses more PLLs, not 1 for each PLL.
But honestly, I don't think there will be many people who can get his times at home. Just look at his times back in 2009 and 2010. Many years ago he reached quite good times and averages and just a few people can reach these times nowadays althought they use much better cubes.
László Csonka Posted 5 years ago
+Feliks knows so many other algorithms like: VLS, Winter variation, ZBLL, BLE, CLS, TTLL, TSLE, etc.
And he can solve the pairs from every single view. And the F2L is the most important part of the solve. There are speedcubers who can solve the F2L in 3 seconds or 2.5. If they get a skip or an easy LL, it will be insane good.
Jacob Shum Posted 5 years ago
Your crazy wish came true and was exceeded lol
Jacob Shum Posted 5 years ago
Your main focus should always be F2L, and at sub-13, you should also improve your LL to get faster.
László Csonka
Planning first 2 pairs are very difficult to do alongside being color neutral because doing that within 15 seconds is barely possible, even at world-class level. Color neutrality gives you more options, but takes more time for inspection(I am color neutral).
Also, as a Chinese descendant, I don't feel overly offended, but some people will be offended. This is the internet. Your opinion is different on everyone else, like J Perm, who doesn't like the Valk Power, but many other people like it. And it probably locks up because you/they didn't set it up.
László Csonka Posted 5 years ago
Jacob Shum
I hate hatred, sorry. I was really disappointed in these cubes nowadays. I spent more than $500 for unuseable cubes, so I'm really disappointed.
Yesterday I got my first sub-14 avg100 with LBL (13.96) and it's so bad to see how my better times are keeping off with this cube (Gan 356 X). I ordered another cubes but I have to wait for months because our post service is horrible.
Jacob Shum Posted 5 years ago
Your turning style would be the problem with you not being able to use the X. The X needs a fairly light turning style, with hardly any rough turning. I tried doing rough turning, and it wouldn't turn. It's probably bad because you lubed it too much(if you did), because I felt one of my friend's X's and it was overlubed to the point of slower than a Guanlong.
Mickey Chan Posted 5 years ago
Sebastian will get a 4x4 world record single with parity.
He did it one year later folks.