Hi guys,
Recently, one CubeSkills member has been practicing building extended crosses in his solves, and was interested in my thoughts on how to tackle a variety of different scrambles. I thought it would be a nice idea to share how I’d approach building the extended cross (or the reasoning for not building one) for each individual scramble. By no means can I guarantee these examples are the “perfect” solutions, and if you have any different thoughts or opinions on particular cases, let me know in the comments! :)
I’ll be building these as a colour neutral solver, but if you’re interested in following along and would find it easier on white, make sure to place the white side at the location specified before each scramble. Let me know if you spot any notation/other mistakes in the blog.
Lastly, this will be fairly advanced, and is intended for those who are quite comfortable with the CFOP method and some intuitive blockbuilding and other extended cross techniques.
- F' D2 B2 R B2 L U2 L R B2 U' R D L' D' R D2 L2 F (Cross on D)
- y D’ L R’ B’ R’ D
- The yellow-orange-blue 1x1x2 is nice, and the blue-orange edge is in the perfect position to take advantage of that. We need to do a B’ to place the yellow-green edge whilst preserving that 1x1x2 and solving the accompanying F2L edge.
- To execute the B’, I’d use my right ring finger, which is a little bit risky.
- An alternative execution is x2 y U’ R r’ U’ r’ D, but that is a little bit more complex and also leads to the solved pair ending up in one of the front F2L slots.
- R2 B U R' F D L' U' F' R2 B2 R2 L2 D2 B2 L2 F2 D' R2 D2 (Cross on R or F)
- z R D’ R’ D R D R D’ can be executed quickly and also preserves the green/white F2L pair. Because it’s 2 generator, only pieces in the R or D layers will be affected by this solution.
- As I said at the start, some solutions won’t actually be extended crosses, such as in this case where I don’t think a red X-Cross is a great option.
- For the Green cross (F), the extended cross z2 x’ R F L’ D2 F’ R’ u’ R u is also decent.
- F U2 B2 L2 U2 F' D2 F' L2 U2 L F U' B R' U' L R F' (Cross on F)
- x’ y2 D’ R2 L2’ D’
- Similar to scramble 1, but a little bit easier still. The reason we do a y2 before executing that solution is to solve the extended cross such that the first F2L pair ends up in the back-left slot.
- There are multiple different ways to do the R2 L2’. I’d probably do a regrip of my right hand after the R2 to get ready for the D’. Alternatively something like x y2 U’ R2 r2’ D’ might be a bit faster to execute.
- L2 D R2 B2 R2 B2 F2 D2 R2 U R2 F D' F' R' U2 L F D2 F' R2 (Cross on R)
- This is a scramble where I don’t really think it’s worth it to do an extended cross, or rather, I probably wouldn’t have been able to see and plan this solution in inspection. Safer to go with one of the easy crosses (green, blue or yellow) and predicting pair 1.
- However, an X-cross on red is: z y U’ F2 R D F D2 R B
- R2 U2 B' L2 F2 D2 B L2 F' D2 U2 L U L2 F2 D' F2 D' U R D (Cross on R)
- Not super easy, but there are a few different ways we can build this one. The location of the green-yellow edge is a little bit troublesome.
- y x’ L2 U (R U’ R B) D’ R2’
- y x’ L2 R U’ B U2’ R2’ D’ R
- y x’ F’ L’ U F L’ R2 D’ R2’
- L2 D' R2 D2 F2 D B2 U R2 B2 U' F' L' D' F2 U' L R' U L2 F (Cross on B)
- Yellow looks promising, but the position of the yellow-green edge is a bit unfortunate, and so I couldn’t really find anything that great.
- x2 U L R U R U z’ x’ R’ F R is a pretty straightforward solution on blue, and is pretty easy to execute, albeit with the rotation. Note that z’ x’ should really just be one regrip of the cube, and not two.
- A lesson here is that if we have a 1x1x2 block (ie just a corner and an edge paired up), there are multiple crosses where we have the potential to use it. Here, for example, we could use it to try a either a yellow, blue, or orange extended cross.
- L' D2 R' B2 L R2 B2 R' D2 R' D L2 B' R B' U2 F R' B2 R2 (Cross on B)
- x R D’ R’ U R L F is a nice solution here.
- F' U2 B2 L U2 L' D2 R F2 L B2 F' D' R U2 L' R2 F' R (Cross on U)
- x2 U’ R2 U’ R’ D2 U’ F2 R2
- The green-orange edge in its place is handy, and forms the basis of this extended cross. The D2 U’ can be performed simultaneously.
- U' L B2 R U2 L D' R' B' U2 F2 R2 D2 R2 F L2 B' U2 F2 U (Cross on B)
- x y D2 R’ D U’ r U r’ R2
- We can see that an initial D’ move would solve a 1x2x2 block, and so the challenge with this solution is simply to figure out how to insert the remaining blue cross edges in an efficient way which doesn’t destroy that block.
- U2 L D R F' U B L D R F2 R L U2 R2 B2 D2 R2 B' (Cross on D)
- Probably the best thing to do on this scramble is to preserve that yellow pair and insert it right after the cross.
- y R’ U R’ L F u’ or y R2’ U’ L F’ u’ solve the cross and preserve the pair.
- The reason for doing u’ instead of D’ to align the cross is to ensure that we don’t need to do any rotations to solve the blue-orange F2L pair.
- B2 U R2 B2 L2 U' F2 D U2 B2 L F' U' L D2 L' B U2 L' B' (Cross on L)
- z’ y’ D2 R’ D R L U’ L’ D’
- A standard keyhole extended cross.
- U B2 R2 F2 L2 D2 B' D2 B' D2 F2 L U2 L F' D L D' U2 (Cross on D)
- y r’ D’ r U2 L R2’
- The key to doing this one most effectively is figuring out how to make it rotationless and fingertrick friendly. It’s tempting to just make the 2x2x2 with F’ R’ F2 and then do R2 B’ R2’, and the execution on that isn’t too bad, but it builds the X-Cross with the pair in a front slot.
- L' U2 L U2 F2 R B2 R' F2 R U B F' D U L' D R F L2 (Cross on D)
- U2 F R’ U’ D2 R2 U L F’
- This is a reasonably tricky X-Cross, the reason I’d consider it is because the 6 move 2x2x2 is decent to execute, and because the last two cross edges afterwards are in a good position. The yellow-orange edge is fairly easy to track (only affected by the F), but the yellow-green is probably the one to keep an eye on as you solve the 2x2x2.
- U' F' L F U' B' L' F R F2 D F2 U' F2 L2 D2 F2 U2 B2 (Cross on R)
- F L2 D B2 D' R2 U R2 U2 L U' R' U' F' D' F U' B2 (Cross on F)
- x’ y’ F D L R’ U’ R D2
- A fairly standard keyhole extended cross on green - it can be tempting to also try and preserve the red-yellow pair. The simplest way to do this is probably just move it into the top layer before doing the D2 move to finish the cross.
- B2 D' L' F2 U2 F' D' L U B' U' D2 R2 F2 D2 B2 D2 (Cross on D)
- The first thing I saw on this scramble was y2 F R’ D R U L U L’ F R’ F R.
- The position of the red-blue edge makes the blue X-Cross a bit tricky. x U D’ R D R D2 was an initial idea for blue, but the blue-red is in basically the worst position possible at this point.
- U2 F2 U B2 F2 U' B2 R2 D B2 U' B U' B2 R U' L F' R D R' (Cross on B or R)
- I would probably avoid doing the yellow cross in this example, the red-yellow edge is not placed very well. Instead, with that 1x1x2 block, either orange or blue are good places to try and build something.
- x y2 U’ F U R2’ U’ L F2 is okay for blue, and z’ y’ R’ F R D’ r’ U’ M’ D’ a good solution for orange.
- B' U' B D' B' R' D2 L' D F' U2 L2 B R2 B' L2 F' D2 B2 R2 (Cross on F or R)
- For the cross on F, x’ D2 R2 U L’ R’ F R solves the X-cross and sets up the second F2L pair.
- For the cross on R, ideally we would like to solve the double extended cross using keyhole (as both of the edges we need to use are in the top layer and oriented the same way). When there are two corners solved diagonally opposite to one another, we need the cross to be offset by a single move, not a double move, in order to freely insert both edges without consequence.
- Ie, a double extended cross solution here looks like z r’ D’ r u R U’ R’ L U L’ D
- L2 U' F2 U2 B2 L2 D' U' F2 U' B U R D' L' F2 R U2 R' B' (Cross on D)
- y2 F R L D2 R2’ D’
- Simple solution, but the key here is to actually break up that corner/edge pair.
- L2 U2 F' U2 B R2 B' R2 F' U2 R U' B L D2 B' R' B L D' (Cross on B)
- x D’ U’ F U’ R’ U R U’ R’ D2
- The important thing here is to cancel into the corner insertion for the keyhole X-cross.
- L' F2 U2 B2 R' B2 R U2 B2 L' U' F' L2 F2 L' U' B' R' D' U2 (Cross on R)
- Very easy scramble
- x z D’ L’ D F’ U2’ R2’ for a double extended cross. The hardest part of this one is seeing where the green/white edge ends up after the first 4 moves.
- D L2 D B2 F2 D L2 U R2 D2 R2 L' F2 R' U' R B' L D2 F2 U (Cross on U)
- x2 y F R' L D2 L D U R2 is probably how I'd deal with that orange/blue edge piece. This was quite a tricky one to plan out and I'm not sure if I'd have done it in just 15 seconds of inspection time.
- R2 U L2 B2 F2 D' B2 D2 B2 U' L' F' R B U B' U2 R B2 (Cross on U)
- Whilst it seems like an easy to see X-Cross, finding a nice way to execute this is the difficult part.
- x2 y' r' U r F D R u R2' is the best I can do.
- L' U' B L2 D' R' L' U2 L F D2 F R2 B' L2 D2 B' L2 D2 F2 (Cross on B)
- This one is a bit interesting - I think that a rotation and regrip for the X-cross solution isn't too bad, but the alternative solution (which simply sets up the first pair) is also decent.
- y z R' U R y' R' U' R2 L or
- x L R U R d L U' L'
- B2 R2 D2 R2 U2 B' L2 R2 B2 F' U L F2 U2 B2 F R D' B2 L2 (Cross on D)
- Always nice to finish with an easy one.
- y' L U F' D'
- A double X-cross (still using keyhole) which takes advantage of the blue-red edge and the blue-orange-yellow corner is:
- y' L R' F' U R y L U L' D'
I hope these were useful, and feel free to leave feedback which I could incorporate into something like this if I were to do it again! :)
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
First one here:D
Ethan Varn Posted 7 years ago
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Lol guys, this isn't YouTube
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
I know
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
This is somewhat helpful but it doesn't really help with recognition of a good x cross and when to
Zihan Zhang Posted 7 years ago
Theses examples really help me a lot, thanks for sharing! Hope to see more advanced skills:-D
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Thanks Zihan,
William - Yep, I do always find that written tutorials aren't as easy to follow as videos. The best thing to do for these if you're not sure how the solution works, is to check which F2L pair gets solved, and then re-do the scramble, noting where the pieces are. It's important to understand the solutions intuitively, not just follow them, that's where the most benefits will come.
James Sehr Posted 7 years ago
I'm sure to use these examples well once I've finished learning full oll and have started working on advanced f2l. Those darn last two dot cases. *sigh*. Also Feliks, This is common sense but one must keep their nails fairly trim in order not to tear stickers on any cubes but usually after clipping them my index finger tips hurt as they haven't as much of a nail for protection. This is a really silly question but after about a 2 hour practice session I'll have that sort of dry sticky feeling on my hands and fingers. So, what are you're thoughts on tired, dry, and sore hands, as cubing isn't too much of a physical sport as it is a mental one, but I gotta give it to cubing to be very physically tiring on the hands.
R Cheng Posted 7 years ago
In the 2nd scramble,
Would you please explain why the Red isn't a good option for making a X-Cross?
I did try the red but found I messed up the Cross after placing the 2x1x1 (Red Greend & Yellow) Block in place(Red bottom).
(I did the X-Cross easily like you did in the 1st scramble, in which the Cross-edge is in a good position with the 2x1x1 block.)
Is that because the corresponding Cross-edge to the 2x1x1 block is not in a good position to form a 2x2x2 block for the X-Cross?
It seems that we need to be more careful to look at the position of the corresponding edge (oriented or not) to the 2x1x1 block which we found during inspection.
Could you give some comment on my insight or some more advice on distinguishing a better block from the other?
Also 1 more extra question,
Do you recommend to be more patient to practice One Single scramble until we feel comfortable to it?
I would appreciate your thoughts on the questions.
R .
chen haozhe Posted 7 years ago
Feliks ,I want to ask a question (but this is not about the extended cross)
How can you find a f2l pair before solving the cross?
chen haozhe Posted 7 years ago
Feliks ,I want to ask a question (but this is not about the extended cross)
How can you find a f2l pair before solving the cross?
The corner is always on the D face
Shrijan Pal Posted 7 years ago
I have a doubt is 2x2 cll same as 3x3 coll or it is diferent?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
It is, COLL algs are just corner permutations with OLL. Since 2x2 doesn't have cedges COLL solves it also
Shrijan Pal Posted 7 years ago
Thanks William
Liam Gerard Posted 7 years ago
Thanks, Feliks! This will be so helpful!
Aaditya Sikder Posted 7 years ago
Thank you very much! I average like 17 seconds and on average it takes 4 second to complete my cross which is horrible. This vlog will help me.
Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago
Hey Feliks,
How do you decide what lubricant to use? Do you just put one type in, then test it? If you don't like it, do you just clean it out the repeat the process until you find one you like?
Yash Raj Posted 7 years ago
Feliks keep us motivated
Alex Ravel Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for this blog! I can do extended crosses sometimes but my hands start shaking and I mess it up because I don't plan it completely. I average 10.9s and my cross solutions are mediocre or good but terribly executed. This gives me a good idea how i could make more extended crosses.
Tien Tran Posted 7 years ago
Feliks why don't you do feet? Have you ever tried it?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
He doesn't do it because feet are disgusting: P
Thomas Guo Posted 7 years ago
Hey feliks,
I average about 29 seconds. My cross is about 4, my F2l is taking super long and averaging about 15 seconds even though I learned all the cases. What do you think I should so to improve my F2l
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Sam - basically, but to be honest, these days I really don't test out everything, I mainly just use DNM 37 if my cubes need it.
Tien - It's not fun
Thomas - Check out the intermediate cross and F2L videos on this website, they should be the most useful for where you're at.
R Cheng Posted 7 years ago
2) R2 B U R' F D L' U' F' R2 B2 R2 L2 D2 B2 L2 F2 D' R2 D2 (Cross on R or F)
I think the Green (bottom) X-Cross alg you've shown here is missing some moves as the white-orange piece is not in place?
Would you please amend it as I would like to see how it 's done?
Carol Lee Posted 7 years ago
Aren't you going to post these things on lessons?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks are you thinking about making an x cross video example solve in the future?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Never mind found a tutorial in advanced section
Shrijan Pal Posted 7 years ago
My block building is improving . Do you think my F2l will also improve ?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Hey Feliks did you make a mistake for the orientation for the easy Parity cases in the 4x4 JB perm and pll
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
because it doesn't work when I tried it and I get a NA perm
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
The 2nd one btw
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Oops didn't notice that there is a U2 at the end sorry for that?
Showdown baxa Posted 7 years ago
Would this Xcross for the 10th scramble (On orange) also be an option?
z' F' R D L D R2 D
Yixiao Shen Posted 7 years ago
Hi Feliks,
These are extremely useful examples!
It is important to know that any block can be used in 3 different crosses, but it also requires lots of practice to incorporate this in limited inspection time. Using D layers to manipulate F2L edges is also very insightful.
For scramble 2, I can see this when turning very slowly, but I would definitely not do that during a solve.
z2 x’ R F L’ D2 R’ U’ F R’ F2
For scramble 18
x’ D2 R2 U L’ R’ F2 R F’ would be more move efficient.
For scramble 25,
This is a great offset F2L pair, but it is quite impossible for me to break that readily available block to build something else first. BTW I got a 29 move solution by continuing your XXcross:)
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Showdown - Yep that's a decent option! :)
Yixiao - Yep, and if I find that the block works well with one colour right away, I won't spend time checking the other colours. For scramble 2, do you mean something like R F L' D2 R' F' R U' R2'? I can't get yours to work. Yeah, that's a hard one to plan in inspection. For 18, that is a more efficient solution and perhaps slightly faster.
Yixiao Shen Posted 7 years ago
z2 x’ R F L’ D2 (U2) R’ U’ F R’ F2
Sorry I missed a U2, but yours is more move efficient!
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks are you thinking about making a reconstruction of your WR solve with the average?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks are you allowed to listen music during comp solves or wear earmuffs
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Finally are you going to make a skewb tutorial? I want to try it but don't know how to start
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Probably no reconstruction of that, and no you're not allowed to listen to music during official attempts. Lastly, I won't be making skewb stuff any time soon - check out YouTube tutorials :)
kushagra kharbanda Posted 7 years ago
will you be making 2x2 videos for cll and eg
Amelia S Posted 7 years ago
Hi can I know what is the maximum time for solving the f2l so that my solving time can be less than 20 seconds. (Because I always waste a lot of time solving the f2l)
My average time is 28.542 s and my best is 16.819. Any comments so that I can improve?
James Sehr Posted 7 years ago
Amelia,your probably gonna need to have sub 12 f2l. To be honest, you should learn full pll if you haven'tand that should cut off a good amount of time. When I averaged what you do my pb was around 20 seconds but now im sub 16 and my pb is 8. So basicly just learn nore efficient f2l and full pll and thats enogh also experiment with a nore intermediate cross. You can take a look at Feliks' intermediate module and his f2l algorithm pdf.
James Sehr Posted 7 years ago
And please forgive my bad spelling. When you feel your ready you can go for full oll ehich is honestly way easier to memorize than it sounds
James Sehr Posted 7 years ago
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Thanks Feliks
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 7 years ago
What are your opinions on this N Perm and mirrored?
(r' D r U2) x5
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks what do you use for edge pairing 3-2-3 or 6-2
Thomas Guo Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the quick response also btw I feel like the Yau method has a longer move count for me then reduction and I'm getting horrible times with it any tips to improve on my Yau 4x4?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
For Yau
Lanz Legaspi Posted 7 years ago
How is anyone this smart to keep making X-Crosses? Explain yourself Feliks
Yash Raj Posted 7 years ago
Dear Feliks,
I'm stuck at sub 15.my lookahead is not upto mark.how can i get rid away from it..any more suggestions for last layer improvement?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Practice 1 look recognition and for look ahead do Feliks' practice drill: do 5 solves slow and 5 solves fast
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Lanz half of it is that he is currently color neutral other half is just recognition and practice
Vishant solanki Posted 7 years ago
Very nice and helpful
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks what do you listen to to help you focus during solves
Dartagnan Mullins Posted 7 years ago
Hey Feliks, are you planning on coming out with one handed PLL and OLL finger tricks it’s something that I believe would be very beneficial, thanks.
Swapnil Pant Posted 7 years ago
Hi feliks
This was a nice one for me
Cz I am stuck at my sub 20 barrier my pb is 16
sun yifan Posted 7 years ago
Hi Feliks ,I found a Valk 3 powerm in your picture. Do you usually use it or GAN?
(I am a Chinese:))
sun yifan Posted 7 years ago
Another question:I am sub25 now, can I begin to learn x-cross? And how can I learn it?
Charlie Harrison Posted 7 years ago
On the second example z2 x' R F L' D2 R' F' R U' R2 gives you a double x-cross.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Sun he uses Gan more and xcross is mostly very advanced so I recommend you watch his intermediate cross and f2l
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
I'm sub 20 now because of that module
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Also what 4x4 do you use in comps. I thought it was a wuque but wuque doesn't have green center pieces it has yellow
László Csonka Posted 7 years ago
William Yang - Not every wuque has got yellow inners. Mine is green.
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 7 years ago
William that's a lot of comment spams I see
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Dartagnan - I'd like to do that, but at the moment I'm not 100% happy with my own executions :p Antoine Cantin's YouTube fingertricks playlist is a great reference for OH execution.
Sun - I use the Gan, but I have other puzzles as well of course.
Charlie - Very nice - not sure that's something most people can plan in 15 seconds, but it is probably the best option for the scramble.
William - Wuque
Covenant Musoba Posted 7 years ago
what ges nuts should i use
Covenant Musoba Posted 7 years ago
on my gan
which ones do you use
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Thnx Feliks sorry of I spam too much I ask a question and I think of another after I post and sometimes I find what I need after I post a question so sorry if I did spam:(
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
What is the maximum moves it should take for you to make a x cross
Covenant Musoba Posted 7 years ago
I would personally say 7-8
Stanley Wang Posted 7 years ago
This was already asked, but Feliks, how do lubricate your SM? Surely not only DNM-37?
sun yifan Posted 7 years ago
Thanks,and I have another question:I am sub25 now, can I begin to learn x-cross? And how can I learn it?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Sun I recommend you practice your f2l more and start practice planning you cross and first pair these two things are what helped me get to sub 20 I'm not constant and I always get sub 25 times whenever I hesitate or forget to look ahead. Bring your F2L down to 10 seconds and if you haven't already learn most of the OLL algs and full PLL in total your solve should look like this 3-5 for cross 5-10 for F2L and 5 for LL
Paulo Sousa Posted 7 years ago
Hi Feliks! Thank you so much for share with us these examples.
I think these examples will help many cubers to improve their cross-f2l transition.
I've published a simple page where it's possible to practice all 25 extended cross examples with white cross.
I think it will help white cross solvers like me to understand better these examples.
Anyone can access scrambles and solutions by 25 extended white cross examples.
Please let me know if you see some mistake in scrambles or solutions.
See you!
sun yifan Posted 7 years ago
thanks, and my goal is 2-3for cross, 8-11 for f2l, and 6-8 for LL.That because my f2l isn't very good,but I'm good at cross;and I did not learn any OLLat all,but I have learned all PLL algs.Now I am avg22.Thank you for your recommendation!
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
No problem
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks how do you know when to use wide moves in a cross solve
Charlotte Rong Posted 7 years ago
thanks Feliks, that's really helpful!!!
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks is it a good idea to use slice moves in a cross solve
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Is it bad that my wuque isaking squeaking noises
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Is making*
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks I found a video that teaches you how to reduce F2L moves but it is locked. Is there any chance you will unlock it?
Finley Hayes Posted 7 years ago
Hi feliks I cant get my head around all these algorithms. Any ideas on how I can improve. I currently use the beginners method on the official Ruby's cube website and want to get into speed cubing. Doug have any tips.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Watch Feliks' video guide on intermediate f2l it is less about algorithms and more about intuitive and can improve your times sufficiently
Finley Hayes Posted 7 years ago
Cheers Will.
Ben addinsall Posted 7 years ago
Hey Feliks,
I noticed and have heard your very good look ahead going into and out of last layer. 2x2 is typically 4 moves then last layer, can you 1 look 2x2 and if so why dont you practise that and also be best in the world at that. with your lookahead capability and your TPS than surely you can average near world record? thanks for the membership and all the videos making everyone a better speedcuber. because its helping alot of us and we all really do appreciate what you have done and what you are doing for the speedcubing community and for its name. we love the videos and the website, keep it up.
See ya at the Arnold
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks for the PLL recognition trainer do you think you can make a function so you can see which PLLs you got wrong. I don't know what PLL's Ineed to improve recognition on because I don't know which ones I got wrong.
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
Hey Ben - 2x2 is very scramble dependent though, and even with perfect execution and great solutions, getting 1.3 averages is very very hard. I prefer to spend my time practicing other events which aren't as reliant on luck. Thanks for the kind words regarding the site, and I hope it's really useful for you!
William - that functionality (and saving sessions etc.) is a small part of the premium membership.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks what are you working on next for your next tutorial.
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago
I recently uploaded some intermediate and advanced 3x3 one-handed example solves, and next up is definitely going to be Intermediate and Advanced Big Cube videos.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Yay, thanks Feliks!
Ethan Varn Posted 7 years ago
Hey Feliks, I have a few questions,
I have the cubicle Valk M and the cosmic Valk power M, in your opinion, which is better for OH?
Do you think the next GAN cube will have a stickerless option? They’ve done it with their 2x2s
When choosing a cross, if you don’t have any colors oriented on their sides how can you quickly tell which one is the best? Do you have a default cross in this situation?
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 7 years ago
Feliks, are intermediate walkthrough/example solves necessary if walkthrough solves only teach you how to solve more efficiently? Although I have noticed that advanced example solves go faster
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Same as Erhan Varn for my question is Gan going to mAlex stickerless options including 3x3s from now on?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Corrections:Ethan, make
kushagra kharbanda Posted 7 years ago
will you be making 2x2 videos for cll and eg
gabriel sebastian murillo Posted 7 years ago
What is the best to learn first winter variation or complete 77 f2l?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
F2L because it takes up the bulk of your times
Sandy Sharma Posted 7 years ago
Hey Guys,
Can u please give me the names of the best speed cubes for all types (2*2 - 7*7) ?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
2x2: Gan 249, Wuxia, Chuwen
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
2x2: Gan 249, Wuxia, Chuwen
3x3: Gan air SM, Valk Power, Weilong GTS 2
4x4: Wuque
5x5: Wushuang
6x6: Red
7x7: Wuji
Skewb: Wingy, Moyu Skewb
Square 1: Volt
Megaminx: Galaxy V2
Sandy Sharma Posted 7 years ago
Thanks a Lot William.
Digambar Muduli Posted 7 years ago
It improved a lot ,thanks now I'm solving in 11 sec
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks do you prefer stickerless or stickers for a 3x3?
Ryan Seth Posted 7 years ago
sandy I would say the best speedubes are 3x3: gan air sm, valk powerm, and gtsv2m. 4x4: wuque (haven't tried m yet), and feliks currently uses the auchuang (I don't know if I butchered the name or not) as his 5x5 main, which is shown in a link in his videos on youtube.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Ryan, lol it okay that you pronounced it wrong(I had to search it up too:P) but it is Wushuang unless I am thinking of another cube in which you might of not mispronounced it :P, but I have a full post on top on the best ones also to add there is a prototype 3x3 out there called the YJ MGC that may be competing but we'll have to see for the official release for that one and also it is the Gan 249 v2 instead of v1
Ryan Seth Posted 7 years ago
William, i know feliks uses that cube. Go to his videos on youtube and there should be a link to a docs sheet with his mains
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Ryan all you had to tell me was what you meant. I didn't know what you were talking about so I said the only cube close to what you were saying because you said that you didn't know how to pronounce it I'm sorry if it came offensive to you but I don't know if you know but your tone was a bit forceful so sorry that I didn't know.
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Feliks do you think you will be making a video that goes more into detail of planning your cross and first F2L pair and tips to get used to it?
Kenneth Orr Posted 7 years ago
My pb is 18:00
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Mines is 13.8
Ryan Seth Posted 7 years ago
william i am so sorry i came off that way, not my intention at all! and there was nothing i took offense to! deepest apologies.
Ryan Seth Posted 7 years ago
william that's a great cross and f2l idea that i would love feliks to make!
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
No problem
Aryan Shivapuram Posted 7 years ago
what is the best 3x3 on the market below $20 ?
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
MF3RS or Yuxin Little Magic
William Yang Posted 7 years ago
Qiyi Warrior and Valk 3 is $20
Ryan Seth Posted 7 years ago
bro get the gtsv2m
Abdollah Darvishi Posted 6 years ago
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Feliks what do you use for skewb algorithms I can't find an alternative sheet for them that everyone uses
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Algorithm instead of alternative
sun yifan Posted 6 years ago
hi feliks,I bought a GAN356AirSM last week,and I use purple gesv2,but its corner-cut isn't very well.What's up with it?and what's yours?
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
It may be because you haven't lubed it Feliks uses yellow nuts with DNM 37
jhair sojo Posted 6 years ago
hola feliks me regalarias uno de tus cubos soy tu fan
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Jhair desafortunadamente, él no regala cubos incluso para los fanáticos
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Feliks is there a way to execute crosses quicker because my crosses are in the 5 second range
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Ryan also he edited it and says that he uses a Wushuang M not a auchuang anymore
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Feliks what method do you use for skewb?
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 6 years ago
I use Sarah's intermediate method, but I'm terrible at fingertricks haha
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Lol thanks
Ethan Varn Posted 6 years ago
Feliks, what do you do when deciding on a cross if you don’t see anything good? Do you have a default that you go too or just choose the best one? Also great competition averages as usual :)
Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 6 years ago
Hey Ethan - yeah, if there are literally no cross edges oriented I will probably spend a bit more time (up to 5 seconds) looking at most of them and then going with the easiest one. I don't worry too much about inspecting for first pair in those cases.
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Feliks what plans do you have for your next blog? ok
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
The Hays7 must be good because when you look at the statistics of when it was used you see:
Feliks: OcR single and average
Kevin: WR single and average (Former)
Max: WR single and average
For Max he broke Kevins record in less than a month just to proving the fact that the cube was good even more
spider man Posted 6 years ago
Feliks,can you plz make a tutorial on all the examples of cross solve.
Sam Durocher Posted 6 years ago
Hey Feliks, what subsets do you use?
Scented Wipes Posted 6 years ago
Feliks, what is your main?
Scented Wipes Posted 6 years ago
Sorry all your mains
and, what 2x2 method do you use
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Scented Wipes go to his channel and you will find a Google sheet with all his information but for quick reference
2x2: Gans 249 v2 M(Just a guess)
3x3 & OH: Gans Air SM Yellow Nuts
4x4: Cosmic/Cubicle (not sure) Wuque M
5x5: Cubicle Wushuang M
6x6: Cubicle Yuxin Red M
7x7: Hays7 M (Prototype)
Megaminx: Cubicle/Cosmic (Not sure) Galaxy v2 M
Skewb: Possibly Cubicle or Cosmic) Moyu Skewb M (Last I knew of)
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
I believe he uses CLL with EG
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Nice job on the WR for 5x5 but Sebastian got past your 4x4 single :(
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Ummmmm... I just found the Moyu Skewb at Walmart in stickers was I bought it and it's legit anyone else had seen them there before?
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Stickerless instead of stickers was
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 6 years ago
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Lol yeah I only found the Skewb though :|
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Feliks what Skewb do you use?
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Also did you receive the Gan460M yet?
zhao yihang Posted 6 years ago
Ethan Varn Posted 6 years ago
Congrats on the new world record!
Ryan Seth Posted 6 years ago
yeah congrats!!!
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Wow that was quick you just set the 5x5 WR last month and here you set another WR Great job
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Lol you broke the 3x3 record twice this year already how many more times will it be broken?????
Sandy Sharma Posted 6 years ago
Pure Genius Man...
Benjamin Miller Posted 6 years ago
How do you solve that fast, Felix?
Ryan Seth Posted 6 years ago
William Yang Posted 6 years ago
Wow I just magnetized my 7x7 (took really long time) really rewarding when I put on all the magnets this has already been my 5th time magnetizing my cube. I have magnetized my Wuji(just now), 2 Gan Air S (different magnets for OH and normal), Wuque(R.I.P. Wuque ordered the Gan Air 460M already), and the Yuxin Red(R.I.P. Red going to buy the X Man Shadow). I like my Gan Air S that I magnetized myself because it has my preferred strength I recommend magnetizing a cube by yourself if you are up to the challenge. More rewarding and I also like my Gan Air S(Also lubed it with all the Angstrom lubed) magnetized more than the actual Gan Air SM???
Abhinav Akash Posted 6 years ago
It helped a lot man,Thanks!!
Digambar Muduli Posted 6 years ago
Can we solve the Rubik's cube in less than 10 sec in normal cfop method ,or I have to work out on some other method .
Kent Jacob Posted 6 years ago
This advice helps me to get sub 10 av. of 3x3!!!
Jacky Lau Posted 5 years ago
Jacky Lau Posted 5 years ago
I mean cross on D.
Matthew Kleineberg Posted 5 years ago
Feliks , can you help me get past sub 25?
Abhoy Modak Posted 5 years ago
How to solve cross faster ?
Ethan Lao Posted 5 years ago
Any tips on increasing your tps without locking up?
Cyrill Speiser Posted 5 years ago
Hey Feliks, do you know this scramble?
If not can you try it? Cross on white
D' F' L2 D2 F2 B R2 F2 U2 R2 F U2 L2 D2 F' L2 U2
Ben Yang Posted 4 years ago
It help a lot!
polo velasco Posted 4 years ago
can you pls make a vid about this to be more informative
Jamie A Posted 4 years ago
great idea
Juan José Quinta Posted 1 year ago
Exelentes explicaciones siempre queriendo ayudar
Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 9 months ago
I remember commenting a lot on these blogs when I was in middle school. Looking back, my comments are so cringe to look at lol. I might have come off as a little rude. Sorry everyone! Sometimes I wish I could delete them.
Rithik The Speed Cuber!!! Posted 6 months ago
It looks like I learn a lot from this