CFOP Solve Splits Tool

5 years ago

Speedcubing Advice

One question I’m asked very frequently goes something like: “Hey, I average X seconds, what do you think my time splits for Cross-F2L-OLL-PLL should be at this stage?”.


Firstly, it depends a decent amount on your current knowledge base - consider solvers A and B, who both average 20 seconds:


Solver A still inserts their cross pieces one at a time into the top layer and has extremely inefficient F2L, but knows full OLL and PLL and can execute these algorithms well. Realistically, the splits for this solver could look like 4-11-2-3.


Solver B has a much more move efficient F2L and has quite good lookahead ability, but still uses 4 look last layer. The splits for this solver could look something like 2-9-4-5, which is a vastly different profile to solver A.


Without being too pedantic, a better alternative question to “What should my splits be?” is “Based on my current splits of A-B-C-D and the current techniques and algorithms that I have learned, which step(s) of my solve can be improved most easily, or what should I learn next?”


This is a much simpler question to answer, and going to the effort to collect the data is the bulk of the work! ( has a nice way to do this - option - timer, multi-phase). Of course, most people probably don’t have a glaringly obvious phase of their solve which needs improvement, but it could be a useful exercise if you're a relatively inexperienced cuber without much of a sense of your strengths and weaknesses.


To assist with this, I’ve created a quick tool which allows you to enter your current CFOP solve splits and then compares them to average solve split times which I have put together - partially based on sub 10 solver data gathered in this speedsolving thread. When using this tool, I would suggest that you first reflect upon your solves without gathering splits data, as in the long term, self analysis and self awareness are going to push you much further than timing your splits and typing numbers into the spreadsheet. Then, use the tool to confirm your educated guesses about your own solving.


This tool won’t provide any magic solutions to improve those stages (that’s what the tutorials are for!), but may help you to identify a part of your solve which can be improved more easily than others. At that point, targeted practice on that stage is something to consider, if you think that your knowledge base is sufficient. For example, if you’re sub 20, know full PLL, but it is taking up 5 seconds in your solve, then deliberately practicing either your recognition or execution of those algorithms will be beneficial.


The sheet works for CFOP solvers between 60 and 8 seconds. Beyond sub 8, standard CFOP splits can become a bit difficult to measure, as solvers of that speed tend to frequently use things such as extended crosses, and various OLS techniques, so it’s not particularly relevant.


Let me know if you have any questions in the comments section. This short post is thanks to a member of the website who suggested that I cover this topic, thanks Omkar!


The sheet is available here :)


CS Splits Tool

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Matthew  Kleineberg

Matthew Kleineberg Posted 5 years ago

Why do we need permission to get on the sheet

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 5 years ago

Hey Matthew - I've edited the permissions, can you let me know if clicking the link in this blog works now? Cheers :)

nope nope

nope nope Posted 5 years ago

It works now, thank you!

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 4 years ago

How to edit?

Edward Connell

Edward Connell Posted 4 years ago

Cool - I've always just used the 12:50:16.5:21.5 splits from the article directly, even though I'm well above 10s.  It's interesting to see what you think the splits could be for solvers at different points in their learning.

My cross is at -24% and F2L at +11% - which probably means I should be working on cross+1.

Milan Struyf

Milan Struyf Posted 4 years ago

Cool idea ;)

Matthew  Kleineberg

Matthew Kleineberg Posted 4 years ago

It works now, thanks.

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 4 years ago

I still can't edit.

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 4 years ago

Hey Jamin -  the link will prompt you to make a copy of the spreadsheet into your personal google drive, at which point you'll be able to edit the sheet.

Ethan Varn

Ethan Varn Posted 4 years ago

This is an amazing tool and also idea, but after an ao50 with splits I’m -2% +3% 0% and -8% respectively so not super sure where to go from here.

Ethan Varn

Ethan Varn Posted 4 years ago

For 11.62

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 4 years ago

That means your splits are pretty well-rounded! :)

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 4 years ago

This is super helpful! I wasn't sure if I needed to learn all the OLLs, and now I see that I'm average for my times. Thank you!

Kerry Go

Kerry Go Posted 4 years ago

Thanks! This will be a useful tool. I've wondered about what my splits should be, too, though I never thought about the splits varying based on uneven development. My splits are very inconsistent based on scramble, so I will probably have to get an average of many. For example, a PLL could vary between (aside the obvious case of a PLL skip) getting an case I know, such as a Jb perm, which might take me 4 seconds, or getting a case I don't know, such as a G perm, which might take me 8 seconds, or getting a case that I think I know, but I don't, so I have redo F2L and it takes 30 seconds.

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 4 years ago

I need to work on cross. lol.

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 4 years ago

Can you perhaps make one for 4x4?

Sofia Nguyen

Sofia Nguyen Posted 4 years ago

Thank Omkar for the great request and Feliks for such a useful tool. I know little about hardwares so I gotta ask does Gan i have this sorta tool built-in? Coz if it doesn't, well, ;) ;) ;). If it already had the tool, thank you for making it affordable for everyone.

Tan E-Jie

Tan E-Jie Posted 4 years ago

What if I do an XCross?

Tan E-Jie

Tan E-Jie Posted 4 years ago

And does this work for OH?




Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 4 years ago

If it's an x-cross count it as cross, because your F2L time will be shorter. And yeah, I think it works for Oh

Tan E-Jie

Tan E-Jie Posted 4 years ago

I find that my splits are different for oh though... my f2l is a lot shorter and my ll a lot longer



Matt Gossett

Matt Gossett Posted 4 years ago

Great idea!

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 4 years ago

Kerry - certainly, this is meant for splits across many solves, best to take an average.

Jamin - Will put that on my list as a future blog idea! :)

Tan - Yeah put it as cross I suppose, but ideally this tool is for those not yet using X-crosses very often in their solves. I'm not sure this is great for OH, typically LL is a higher percentage of OH solves, I'll have to add that to the list for a future blog/tool.

Tan E-Jie

Tan E-Jie Posted 4 years ago

Thanks! By the way, my first name is E-Jie, not Tan


Tanner Davey

Tanner Davey Posted 4 years ago

That tool is really cool.


Tanner Davey

Tanner Davey Posted 4 years ago

I need to work on cross and oll a lot.

Cal J

Cal J Posted 4 years ago

How do you find your averages???

Tanner Davey

Tanner Davey Posted 4 years ago

It is next to the gold cubes

Tanner Davey

Tanner Davey Posted 4 years ago

On one of them my cross was 90%


Q-BERT ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Q-BERT ╰(*°▽°*)╯ Posted 4 years ago

Hey Feliks can you make a video on how you prefer doing every f2l case.

Matthew Knippen

Matthew Knippen Posted 4 years ago

Loved this, thanks for sharing! Putting this together with my GAN 356i was awesome. I averaged my past 10 solves together, and showed that I definitely need to work on my cross.

Kaeden Bak

Kaeden Bak Posted 4 years ago

Meh... I average around 40 on 3x3 PB Is a 19

Kaeden Bak

Kaeden Bak Posted 4 years ago

Also how do learn full oll


Edward Connell

Edward Connell Posted 4 years ago

You should link this in the 'Tools' dropdown on the website (with the PLL trainer)

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 4 years ago


Aarnav Katru

Aarnav Katru Posted 4 years ago

Sorry! I accidentally pasted my scramble algorithms

Fin BL

Fin BL Posted 4 years ago

Really nice!

Tanishq SHARMA

Tanishq SHARMA Posted 4 years ago

Wow !

Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 4 years ago

Thanks Feliks!

Aiden L.

Aiden L. Posted 4 years ago

Thanks Feliks! I am a primary school kid and used to average 40 seconds but after using CubeSkills my average dropped to 20 sec!

Ethan Burbush

Ethan Burbush Posted 4 years ago

Thanks Feliks, my average used to be sub 30 but now I am averaging sub 25 and dropping because I figured out I needed to work on my F2L!

Ethan Burbush

Ethan Burbush Posted 4 years ago

CubeSkills rules

Aarnav Katru

Aarnav Katru Posted 4 years ago


Aiden L.

Aiden L. Posted 4 years ago


Aahan Prajapati

Aahan Prajapati Posted 4 years ago

what if we get a winter variation or something. When should we click-on last f2l pair or after completing the winter variation


tianze qiu

tianze qiu Posted 4 years ago

Thanks, I noticed my cross is terrible, so I have been practicing!

tianze qiu

tianze qiu Posted 4 years ago

You should do the same thing for 4x4, because this is so great!

Shrihari K R

Shrihari K R Posted 3 years ago

I'm terrible at cross. I seem to screw it up every time

Any tips on how to improve?

I can plan Cross in inspection and average 34

Caleb Hickox

Caleb Hickox Posted 3 years ago

Watch some cross tips video's and use all of inspection time to help plan out as many cross pieces as you can. I'm a 10 year old kid and i average 20 seconds trying to learn full oll. Anything is possible


Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago

yeah j perm is really good for cross

Caleb Hickox

Caleb Hickox Posted 3 years ago

Yeah he is but not as good as Felix.


Caleb Hickox

Caleb Hickox Posted 3 years ago

Sorry, I was talking about Feliks Zemdegs and stop putting your channel on this website.

Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago

what do you mean Caleb?


Myka  De Padua

Myka De Padua Posted 3 years ago

J perm is mvp

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

his videos have helped me a lot yes

Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago


Harry Henderson

Harry Henderson Posted 3 years ago

Hey my best time on a 3x3 is 43 seconds 

Julian Cheever

Julian Cheever Posted 3 years ago

im an 11 year old kid and i average 19-21 seconds (depends on how good or bad my day is) with full cfop but i absolutely suck at planning the cross and am 20% slower at cross than recommended

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

watch example solves of how people do their crosses to learn different techniques and maybe even practice solving cross blindfolded so you plan it then solve it without looking. i don't like doing the blind cross but i hear it helps

Akash Sreedharan

Akash Sreedharan Posted 3 years ago

My splits are 1  : 5.4 : 1.6 : 2 = 10

so my cross is -17%, f2l +8%, oll -3% and pll -7%

no tips for improvements, so how should I improve?

btw Julian Cheever you are probably not doing an efficient cross. You might be inserting pieces 1 by 1. Try to find a combination of moves that insert 2 or more at once. All crosses can be done in 8 moves or less. You might also find becoming colour neutral helpful.


Peter Watrner

Peter Watrner Posted 2 years ago

Same im 11 and i know a bit over half of oll and i finished full pll yesterday and suck at cross planning i average sub 30

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago

To improve cross planning, I suggest practicing BLD cross solutions. Scramble your cube, plan out a cross solution, put on the blindfold and see if you can solve the cross. Do not go for speed, simply try to solve the cross without looking until you get good at it. This can help you to not only crank up your time spent on the cross but also help you jump right into your first f2l pair without hesitation.

Daniel Skapinyecz

Daniel Skapinyecz Posted 2 years ago

My splits: 2 : 7.8 : 2.8 : 2.8 = 15.4

I learned full PLL when I averaged 20 seconds and have not learned full OLL yet (due to being lazy). In fact I enjoy working on my F2L more than learning new algs (which is unfortunate because 2x2 is my main event).

I think I should really work on my cross-F2L transition as that's where I wasted most of my time. I am duel colour neutral (white and yellow) but I think I can definitely work on getting that cross to sub-2. My OLL is slower than it should be (I really should learn full OLL but I'm gonna finish learning full CLL first) but my PLL is quite fast.

Daniel Skapinyecz

Daniel Skapinyecz Posted 2 years ago

So I redid it and these are my new splits: 1.9 : 7.3 : 2.6 : 2.7 = 14.5

My cross is 0.16 seconds above average and my F2L 0.05 seconds above average, but that seems to be just fine. My PLL is still faster than average (hooray), my  OLL is 0.13 seconds above average, so all in all I am 0.34 seconds too slow (which isn't bad). Again I haven't learned full OLL but that's alright, I needn't have to yet.

I'm surprised I got so much faster in just 3 weeks. During this time I updated my main to the MoYu RS3M 2020 (stickered of course) and it works great, although a bit fast.

Chucky Cheese

Chucky Cheese Posted 2 years ago

i dont have a good cube what cube do you think i should get my average is 25 using gan 356rs


Ciaran Parker

Ciaran Parker Posted 1 year ago

Useful, times dropped by half a second

hingle mcringleberry

hingle mcringleberry Posted 1 year ago

hi can anybody help me ive been cubing for about 8 months and my slits are 2.94,9.96,3.16 and 2.45 my speed has completely stagnated at around 19 im using  gan xs

Elias Chaghouri

Elias Chaghouri Posted 1 year ago

I am not the best at F2L and Cross Average around 25 seconds. Also, anyone who knows how to remove the smudges from the Gan 356 XS. Does anyone have any F2L and Cross tutorials?

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