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7 years ago

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Hi! If this is your first time on CubeSkills, or if you’re in need of some help with navigation around the site, you’ve come to the right place.


For information about speedcubing and an overview of CubeSkills, check out the introduction module on the tutorials page, as well as the ‘About’ tab on the website. The FAQ section may also come in handy if you have any queries.


On the tutorials page, the 3x3 video modules are segmented into beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials, and these are shown at the top of the tutorials page. Those solving the cube with a beginner’s or layer by layer method should start with beginner tutorials. If you’re currently learning the CFOP method, then check out the intermediate sections. Lastly, if you’re looking to further improve your solves beyond basic CFOP, check out the advanced modules. To view all tutorial modules on the site, click the tutorials tab in the header, and then click 'All'. As you complete each tutorial video, it will be automatically marked as complete - but you have the ability to manually adjust the complete/incomplete tick for each video as you please! Videos marked with a lock symbol are only viewable to premium members. Premium members also have the ability to comment on videos to ask questions and engage in discussion around the content.


Complete/Incomplete tick


In addition to the 3x3 videos, we also have tutorials and resources for other speedcubing events, also accessible via the 'Tutorials' tab in the navigation bar.


For more assistance and an overview of how to get faster, take a look at the blog with the same name. The blog tab features articles I write every few weeks relating to speedcubing in some shape or form. Content may vary from speedcubing advice or thoughts, to competitions and travel, to CubeSkills news.


Our premium membership tab outlines the benefits and pricing of a premium membership. A premium membership is a cool way to support the growth and development of CubeSkills, and provides access to every single one of our tutorials, past, present and future. There are also some other cool benefits for cubers looking to improve their ability, so check it out!


If you click on your name in the top right corner, you’ll find access to your profile page, in which you can change some of your account settings and details. Any videos that you add as favourites will also be stored in this section of the site.


In the footer of the website, you’ll find links to the CubeSkills social media accounts. Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram for some behind-the-scenes pictures, announcements, teasers, and plenty more! There is also a contact page for any questions you have about the website.


Cheers, and I really hope you enjoy browsing CubeSkills!



Thoughts on this blog

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Hal Phillips

Hal Phillips Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, thanks for giving us fans a direct way to support you!

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hey Hal, 

No problems, I hope CubeSkills can be really really valuable for you! I have so much in the works that I'm already quite excited about - please don't hesitate to send through suggestions and feedback so that I can keep improving the site.



Phillip Andrews

Phillip Andrews Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks, its great to have a single place to find reliable tutorials about getting quicker at 3x3. thank you for making this! :)

Dror Lin

Dror Lin Posted 7 years ago

thanks for making this website! :)

Dror Lin

Dror Lin Posted 7 years ago

oh and i tried to do one of the olls,i dont know if i mess up or the lag isnt correct but it dosent work for me

Nitheesh  Kumar

Nitheesh Kumar Posted 7 years ago

Hi feliks  zemdegs congratulations  for your every wr. 

Yess  I am also hope cube stills is really  helpful for every cubes 

I really learn cubing  from  your,  YouTube video feliks

Now my official  PB is 12.68 in rubik cube how to develop  my self

So thank you, zemdegs  


Muhammad  Akbar hidayat

Muhammad Akbar hidayat Posted 7 years ago

hai feliks,  thanks so much,  you've help me,especially my family and my friend, which is new learn rubik's cube. ?

Jordi Moens

Jordi Moens Posted 7 years ago

Hello Feliks I have some question are you going to make videos about OLL or PLL ? Or where did you learn these tricks? 

adarsh todi

adarsh todi Posted 7 years ago

hey....give blindfolded tutorial alsoo

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Phillip!

Dror - which algorithm isn't working for you?

Jordi - I'll make some OLL and PLL fingertrick videos in the next little while :)

Adarsh - Working on fleshing out the 3x3 tutorials as well as doing some 4x4 and big cube tutorials before that sort of thing! :)

Vikalp Chauhan

Vikalp Chauhan Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks thanks for the blog.

Dude can u make a chart of all plls which you usually do and easy to do coz I know most of them but if u talking abt G-perm and R-perm it is sick like how to identify the cases. So really need ur preference and guidance.

And I m like 25-30s avg cuber and m stuckked in this time frame. I just can't get how shud I improve myself

Looking forward for your reply :)

Shankar S

Shankar S Posted 7 years ago

Thanks mate. I am a 9.25 avg of 500 solver who does not know full oll. I just know the 2 look ones and some crappy ones i made by myself. Looking forward to your OLL and PLL finger trick videos.

In my opinion I feel the advanced courses are not for a 8 second averager, its for a 12 to 15 second person.

For super advanced courses i would like some example solves and breakdowns. As they are really helpful.




ps: You don't need to reply to this, as there are other people who need answers faster.

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

Huhey guys i dont have a good cube but i can solve that cube in 1 min or 1 :30min

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

Ifeliks i started cubing when i saw you on youtube it was 1 month ago and i learnd cubing now i have 7types of cubes

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

Ffeliks do you know to solve a pyramics cube

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

 hey feliks and my gf also loves your cubing

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

Gguys and one thing that i am 13

Helphy Lieby

Helphy Lieby Posted 7 years ago

How to sub15(3*3*3)

Alex Wilson

Alex Wilson Posted 7 years ago

Great website Feliks. It's a great resource and will be good for the future of cubing


appuz appuz

appuz appuz Posted 7 years ago

really helpfull blog Feliks....I have completed intermediate cross and f2l and I am doin the practice drills regularly and it has reduced me 3 seconds in average within 2 I am almost sub 20 guys....advanced cross helped me a lot.....

hoping for a one handed tutorial video....please Feliks


Gordon Lee

Gordon Lee Posted 7 years ago

great job!! this has been the website i have been looking for! now i am sub 20!

Rafael Miguel

Rafael Miguel Posted 7 years ago

Hi, I am cubing for a year now. Now my avg is 25 seconds but I cannot go any faster

KcubeW yt

KcubeW yt Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, I have a question for you, if you were to have ANY cube, what would it be? Since Gan 356 UMs are gone, I would choose that :p

KcubeW yt

KcubeW yt Posted 7 years ago

Plus, the membership thing is a bit unfair since they get to be on the livestreams and get more videos wich I am sub 40 and I need those videos atleast until I am sub 20. But you do you ;)

Corner Cutter

Corner Cutter Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks,

Thank you so much for putting together this website!  I am learning so much and I didn't even get to the advanced videos yet.  I am almost sub-18.  The content is organized nicely.

I can't wait for the Competing Tips.  Keep up the great work!


Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago

Hi,Feliks ,I am a cuber from China ,I have not see 4by4 speed solvers of you long time.So I hope you can upload some of 4by4 cube video on youtu.

Sorry,my English is limited

Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago

OH,I would appreciate it if you can mention my name on the 4by4 video, so I know you did it for me.And my name is Yong-chang Wang,and I am a Chinese.

Thanks for you again. 

Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago

Sorry ,why there is no Chinese version ,some of which I do not understand.Actually almost。

Ravshanbek Abdullaev

Ravshanbek Abdullaev Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks, I'm a cuber from Uzbekistan. Hope you answer to my mail 

Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago

Hi,I am back.I have a problem about Chinese Super Brain show.We know you took part in the program last year,you won the game with a project that you are not good at.And this year, Kaijun Lin,the world record holder for the 3by3 blind.But the program group to developed a rule,is to listen  the voice of disturbing the cube  to determine the state of the cube ,and then blind.Do you think it is possible?

But when the game,Liping Jia with the minimum step to solved the cube,because he remembered the cube disturb formula .So finally Kaijun Lin lost.

As the same time,the program group invited Mats Valk and Marcin Kowalczyk to participate in this show,but because of that event,the program group canceled the cube game.All of our Chinese cubers were angry.

So What do you think these events?


Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago



ARCHIL GONGADZE Posted 7 years ago

Hello. How many times do you solve cube per day.

Riley Sage

Riley Sage Posted 7 years ago

Do you have any tips on how to improve lookahead? I've tried doing slow solves but I don't think it's really getting me anywhere.

Stephen M

Stephen M Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, 

I have just one question. Is it necessary to be color neutral? I am a sub 50 solver and I was thinking of putting the time and effort into it, but is it really necessary? By the way, love the website! 



Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Riley - check out the video on lookahead in the intermediate F2L module.

Stephen - Not necessary, but highly recommended, particularly if you're only new - it will take far less effort to switch!

KcubeW yt

KcubeW yt Posted 7 years ago

Feliks, How can I put my own icon onto my profile picture or can I period?

Abhipsit Khound

Abhipsit Khound Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks I'm grateful to you for making this website . I want to ask u a question. Is there a algorithm to quickly solve the cube or we should solve it in normal way quickly?


KcubeW yt

KcubeW yt Posted 7 years ago

Abhipsit, what does that even mean?? You have to do cfop or roux or whatever you use to solve the cube, there is a god number but you can't figure that out for 43 Quintillion combinations :p

Nguyễn Hoàng Nam

Nguyễn Hoàng Nam Posted 7 years ago

How can you do the CFOP?

Help me with that, Feliks!

Wang Yong chang

Wang Yong chang Posted 7 years ago

When I solve the cube,I always can't see the calibrated state of F2L no matter which side,it's hard to solve.

What should I do at this time?

Woody Hudson

Woody Hudson Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks,


I am averaging 30-35 seconds but 20 seconds for F2L. I have just recently learnt full PLL, but that is not getting me sub-30. I know I need to improve my F2L recognition and have been practicing a lot in the past few weeks, but have not improved that much. Do you think I should learn more F2L? Also, is it necessary to be color neutral? I can get my average times with white and yellow cross, but not any other colors.

Loving the site!

Brad Harrisson

Brad Harrisson Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks,

I am looking at doing speed cubing. I have ((((((( questions.

1) What cube should i get?

2)How are you so good?

3)How do you practise?

4)How long do you practise?

5)What competitions should i go to?

Joshua Paulus-Rosenow

Joshua Paulus-Rosenow Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks,

Thanks so much for starting this! Recently I founded my own non-profit organization called "Anyone Can Cube." I am currently teaching the Rubik's cube to 18 boys at a local orphanage. When I'm with them I teach them what I know, but when I'm gone I'm wondering what to give them as resources. Now that you're compiling all this great knowledge into one place I have something to use for them in my absence!

Thanks again, I'm looking forward to all of your content.

Joshua Paulus

Algebro Maths

Algebro Maths Posted 7 years ago


Ian  Sciturro

Ian Sciturro Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks! This is a great website, and great for all us cubers to learn from the best of the best. A lot of my friends are asking for a good website, and I am recommending this one to every single person who asks. I have one question though. Do you have any advice on how to memorize OLL and PLL algorithms?

Aryan Naik

Aryan Naik Posted 7 years ago

Hey guys i can complete cube in 1 min now

johannes leppäkorpi

johannes leppäkorpi Posted 7 years ago

This site is helpful. Keep up the great work!

KcubeW yt

KcubeW yt Posted 7 years ago

I average around 7-8 seconds Aryan Naik ;)

Liam Gerard

Liam Gerard Posted 7 years ago

Thanks for creating and adding videos to Cubeskills in general. In the past 1-2 months my PB has dropped around 30 seconds- from 1 minute 1 second, to 31 seconds, mostly from the tricks and tips Cubeskills. It has helped so much.

mark gemillan

mark gemillan Posted 7 years ago

can you feliks make a fingertricks and algorithm in OLL you use?


mark gemillan

mark gemillan Posted 7 years ago

can you feliks make a fingertricks and algorithm in OLL you use?


Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Cheers Liam, glad it's very useful!! :)

Mark - yes this will happen, but it's not the priority for videos at the moment.

Ian  Sciturro

Ian Sciturro Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks, this website has dropped my times from a minute to 20-30 seconds in 2 weeks.I am very happy about it. I am just wondering if I should get the Gans air 356 because I have heard many good reviews of it. I am wondering what are the differences from the Moyu weilong GTS2.

Jj Jj

Jj Jj Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks! Can you please watch our Youtube Channel ; Tien Cubes. In this, we use CFOP and Tien is close to your amazing World record. I used this and I am pretty bad at it....

Digambar Muduli

Digambar Muduli Posted 7 years ago

This site  is very useful to me  , this site  has dropped my  times  from a minute to 20 - 29  seconds 

Any suggestions from you to increase my speed

The Twins Gravityboy

The Twins Gravityboy Posted 6 years ago

My everange dropped from 1 minute to 23 second.... This website is very useful


Pranav Murthy. Y

Pranav Murthy. Y Posted 6 years ago

Hi Feliks, do you have a tutorial on 3x3 BLD solving?


Kevin Moon

Kevin Moon Posted 6 years ago

My average is like 23 seconds and 15.84 pb

Souhardya Chakraborty

Souhardya Chakraborty Posted 6 years ago

Hi Feliks,this site dropped my times in sub 30s.Thanks a lot for that.

Adhithya Jayabaskar

Adhithya Jayabaskar Posted 6 years ago

Hi Feliks ,

             In Your 4.75 Solve You Have mentioned That Hard-core Zeroing on the Last F2L Pair

•What Is Zeroing? 

•At What Stage Should We Use It ?

•Will You Make a Tutorial For It?

•When did You Start Using 

Zeroing ?


Feliks Please Answer My Questions



Ethan Varn

Ethan Varn Posted 6 years ago

Zeroing isn’t a method or subset, it is a joke about him having a secret method that explains how he’s so fast. Not a real thing he’s just really good at CFOP. Hope this helped and if not, speedcubereview on YouTube has a video on it :)

suria selvarajoo

suria selvarajoo Posted 6 years ago

Hi feliks I'm your biggest fan .u are awesome. Plz give me some practice in 4 by 4 to beat my friend.


royce philip

royce philip Posted 6 years ago

could you teach me how to do the oll and pll much faster


royce philip

royce philip Posted 6 years ago

i am ur biggest fan felix


jayden philipps

jayden philipps Posted 6 years ago

can you do blind solving feliks and if you can could you make a tutorial on how

Everett Jared Valdivia

Everett Jared Valdivia Posted 6 years ago

Hi Feliks,

Please answer this question:

How to do Zeroing??

Liam Gerard

Liam Gerard Posted 6 years ago

Zeroing is fake. He says that a lot. Just a joke about how fast he is.

Isaiah Baker

Isaiah Baker Posted 6 years ago

Zeroing is just a joke. Although feliks uses weird tricks during his solves like the 4.75 "hardcore zeroing" solve, thats not zeroing. It' just his way of getting better last layer cases.

Benjamin Miller

Benjamin Miller Posted 6 years ago

I started cubing 2 months ago and average 1:30 seconds.  I am learning CFOP.  Any Advice? 

William Yang

William Yang Posted 6 years ago

Do you know how to do F2L properly?

If you solve the entire bottom first and then start your side pieces then go to Feliks 3x3 tutorials and click on F2L this is going to improve your times a lot then in 3x3 algorithms download the PLL algorithms and then OLL Algorithims this by itself will improve your times by a lot

Anirudh N  Bhat

Anirudh N Bhat Posted 6 years ago

I really love you Feliks u are really cool in solving cubes once again I love ur channel I like ur tutoring And I am lucky to have seen it tutoring on YouTube 



Benjamin Miller

Benjamin Miller Posted 6 years ago

Do you know how to do F2L properly?

If you solve the entire bottom first and then start your side pieces then go to Feliks 3x3 tutorials and click on F2L this is going to improve your times a lot then in 3x3 algorithms download the PLL algorithms and then OLL Algorithims this by itself will improve your times by a lot


Yes, I just can't insert from alsides yet.  I am memorizing pll and oll algorithms right now.  Thank you!

Avinash  Kumar

Avinash Kumar Posted 6 years ago

Sir, I really want to improve my skills and my dream is to meet you one day. And we wish you always be the ? champion..


Avinash  Kumar

Avinash Kumar Posted 6 years ago

Is there any multislotting module ??


Laure Laura

Laure Laura Posted 6 years ago

Hi guys! Am new here but I really really want to learn how to do speedcubing! I have some skills tho! I’m currently learning some serious stuff with this site i hope that with the combination of the two am gonna solve the rubiks like a champ in no time ;) !

Galvin Escalona

Galvin Escalona Posted 5 years ago

If there isnt a multislotting module, can you add one?

Ethan Varn

Ethan Varn Posted 5 years ago

There is, I believe it’s under the adavanced F2L section but if not, check the intermediate one.

Ethan Varn

Ethan Varn Posted 5 years ago


roque lumapay

roque lumapay Posted 5 years ago

Hi! Feliks 

I started cubing 1 month ago and my average is 35.Any advice?

Anshul Semwal

Anshul Semwal Posted 5 years ago

I have made cube in 39 seconds by begginer method

Is that speed fine?

How can I become more fast?

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 5 years ago

learn CFOP!

Thats the best I can think of.


Nafis Hasan

Nafis Hasan Posted 5 years ago

Hi, I am Averaging 14-16 Seconds. I Have Not Learned Full Oll Yet. But I Learned All The PLL's. I am Learning my remaining oll's. Can You Help Me By Suggesting What Can I Do Next After Learning The Full OLL. (Oh! One Thing I Do intuitive Advanced F2l.)

あおい 永田

あおい 永田 Posted 5 years ago

Hi feliks i'm living japan nice to meet you. 

Then i have question how you can do remember all olls and plls .

remembering all is so hard.

please tell me.

I'm sorry if i am being impolite or too straightforward.

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago

The best thing to remember them is to practice them, so you get them into your muscle memory, so you don't have to think about what moves to do, you just do them.

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 5 years ago

i just repeat the algorithm over and over until its in my muscle memory,then the next day i see if i remember it. thats how i do it.

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, that's what I do.

王睿 马

王睿 马 Posted 5 years ago

hello feliks!I'm from are my idol.  

which part do you think cfop should remember first?

Silas Lickliter

Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago

F2l then pll then oll then coll then wv then vas then zbll then be a top solver 

Silas Lickliter

Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago

oops not vas  I meant vls 

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago

COLL isn't that useful for 3x3, as a lot of the algs are longer, and the cases are hard to recognize, to actually become useful in your solves. The only reason you should learn it if you want to get good at 2x2, where yo can use the same algs, COLL algs are less efficient on 2x2 than CLL algs.

Silas Lickliter

Silas Lickliter Posted 5 years ago

and also it prepares your recognition for harder stuff like zbll

Surel Bak

Surel Bak Posted 5 years ago

F2l을 공부 하고 싶은데 이해가 안되네요 공부을 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어요 

John Mack

John Mack Posted 5 years ago

I made a comment already. I'm John Mack.

John Mack

John Mack Posted 5 years ago

I made the comment 

About my daughter sending me these cubes from the 2x2,3x3,4×4,5×5,6× not a speedster but I'm currently trying to solve the 6x6 any suggestions?

Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 5 years ago

solve it the same way you'd solve 4x4 and 5x5.

tracy green

tracy green Posted 5 years ago

I love cube

Will Canole

Will Canole Posted 5 years ago

I solved a pyraminx in 49 seconds and when I stopped the timer the pieces swirled around. Is that a +2?

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh Posted 5 years ago

I think so. If the cube wasn't solved when it was on the mat, or after the timer was stopped it's either a DNF or a plus 2. 

Richard Leubner

Richard Leubner Posted 5 years ago

Could I solve a 5x5 with yau method or is that a bad idea 


Juz Almeria

Juz Almeria Posted 4 years ago



Zakerz Cubing

Zakerz Cubing Posted 4 years ago

Hello I am Isaac ! I want easy but useful trucks for CFOP

Dat Truong

Dat Truong Posted 4 years ago

Hi! I'm Dat! I'm from Vietnam

Noel Caduhada

Noel Caduhada Posted 4 years ago

Hi Feliks Ive been inspired by you your a great inspiration and a good friend over all I know you've already met me in Facebook More Wr to break good luck!

Lincoln W

Lincoln W Posted 4 years ago

Hi! I am a Chinese player lincoln.

Mbyn Ahmdy

Mbyn Ahmdy Posted 4 years ago

فرمول های یکدست


Harvey Xing

Harvey Xing Posted 4 years ago

I am 11 and can solve a 100x100x100 in 1 month.

Cyrill Speiser

Cyrill Speiser Posted 4 years ago

Harvey everyone here can do this, but nobody wants to wast his time like this.

Ryan Wei

Ryan Wei Posted 4 years ago

Hi I’m Chinese and I’m a beginner! but I do know how to use CFOP on 3x3

Andrew Luo

Andrew Luo Posted 4 years ago

Hi @Ryan, I'm also a Chinese(half) How fast do you average, and which province are you from? I am  in Guangdong , Guangzhou and average around 12 seconds.

FirstName LastName

FirstName LastName Posted 4 years ago

Nice really helpful 

Harish Kumar

Harish Kumar Posted 4 years ago


jony derover

jony derover Posted 4 years ago

nice website always wanted this to happen


Mustafa Kamal Hussaini

Mustafa Kamal Hussaini Posted 4 years ago


Jessy Lin

Jessy Lin Posted 4 years ago

I am learning CFOP as well


Surya Narayanan

Surya Narayanan Posted 4 years ago

Hi . Can you help . I am 26 seconds averager and want to get faster


Ravi kiran

Ravi kiran Posted 4 years ago

feliks sir iam Rohan my average is 1 minute can you help me get faster sir


Cuber Bhumika

Cuber Bhumika Posted 4 years ago

Sir, I am a sub 20 solver. Could you give me some tips to get faster in 3×3?

Aiden L.

Aiden L. Posted 4 years ago

Hi Feliks

Couple of questions here.

1. Can you provide some tips for ZBLL?

2. What GAN cube would you recommend as a main?


Kody Schroeder

Kody Schroeder Posted 3 years ago

Could you please make a page with a tutorial for beginner F2L? I really need to learn.

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

See I have noticed here that everyone would like to talk to feliks, unfortunately he only talks to people with premium. What do you think it would take to get him to talk to us

yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

Maybe we can answer them

yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

But he did answer for Hal...

Hal Philips

yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

And even though I am answering your questions I am just 11 years old

Don't think my answers are wrong by my age I have been cubing for 2 years

yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

Hello Harvey,

I think there is no such thing as 100×100 cube

yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

hey Bhumika,

you go to the advanced module of 3by3 to get faster and learn advanced lastlayer


yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

hey surya,

you can follow the tips I gave to bhumika


yashwanth balasundaram

yashwanth balasundaram Posted 3 years ago

hello Rohan,

so as you are solving the cube in 1 minute

you can try learning F2l which will get you to sub thirty and oll and pll

which will make you sub-20 

if you wanna get to 10 secs or 15secs learn everything from the advanced module.

If you wanna get more faster it is based on practise



bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

also, many other aspects to get sub 30 and sub 20 and so on. you need to learn to get better lookahead, turn speed and if you don't already have one, get a good cube

Mohammadamin Abediny

Mohammadamin Abediny Posted 3 years ago



Robin Tiondi

Robin Tiondi Posted 3 years ago

Any thoughts on breaking the sub 20 barrier

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

try to learn full oll and pll i am currently breaking sub 20 as well and I'm very very close just learning more lol algs I've got all the plls down

also f2l and lots of pactice

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

dude just slow down and look ahead

Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago

bad advice until at least sub 15 imo



A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

I spent months of cubing for hours every day and not getting sub 20. Eventually, I broke down and actually slowed down. After about a week I reached it.


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

Any good 3x3s?


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

I think that you should learn lookahead when about sub-17

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

I think you should start learning look ahead when you can solve each f2l case eyes closed. about sub-25


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

I 100% agree


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

You should learn each f2l case rotationless at sub 15-17

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

so I was considering subscribing to premium and I noticed it says solve critiques are no longer available to all premium members and i was wondering if anyone knows who is eligible to get their solves critiqued


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

Idk either? it is a mystery


SupperSS Posted 3 years ago

Maybe someone with premium can ask

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

no one is

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

and no, I dont have premium

Samit Chakraborty

Samit Chakraborty Posted 3 years ago

He dosen't work on this site anymore. It was created 3 years back lol

Samit Chakraborty

Samit Chakraborty Posted 3 years ago

And that's why he dosen't have time to critique like a 1000 solves a day

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 3 years ago

Hi Bob,

I no longer have the capacity to offer posted solve critiques at the moment for anyone.


bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

ok, thank you :)

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

knew it!

Holger Rode

Holger Rode Posted 3 years ago

What are some memorization trick one can use to remember these algorithms, beside just doing it over and over again until muscle memory kicks in. I am totally new to this. 

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

find little groups of moves so instead of looking at it as one big long alg, you can see it as 3 or 4 little move groups. also, I believe there are some websites that you can select the algs you know and it will scramble it so you have one of those algs. that can help so you don't forget and get better at recognition

Abdullah Ali

Abdullah Ali Posted 3 years ago

Hi Feliks. One question, What is your best tip for learning an algorithm

Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago

TBH, probably break it down

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

yes, find little groups of moves and memorize that rather than memorizing every single move one by one

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 3 years ago

Literally just do it over and over again until its in your muscle memory

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

yes you can learn helpful ways to do certain parts faster just by going slow and trying to figure out some good fingertricks for it

Amaan Patel

Amaan Patel Posted 3 years ago

Hi Feliks I average 1:00 to 1:30 but my cube is getting slower and hard to move is there something I can do.


Jamie A

Jamie A Posted 3 years ago

Buy a new cube depending on what your current one is, or lube it.

The  Kuber

The Kuber Posted 3 years ago

Yes, I think you should lube it or buy a new cube.


Amaan Patel

Amaan Patel Posted 3 years ago


Damian Perez

Damian Perez Posted 3 years ago


aayush justin

aayush justin Posted 3 years ago

Thanks feliks for starting a website so by your help my best timing is increased 45 seconds  to 22 seconds by learning CFOP beginners method 

Adhvik Harikrishnan

Adhvik Harikrishnan Posted 3 years ago

Hello Feliks,

What is your email so I could ask you a question? 



Arnav vaidya

Arnav vaidya Posted 3 years ago

hi feliks 






Mevindu Bashitha

Mevindu Bashitha Posted 3 years ago

Hi..Feliks.....Let's go


Aarav Rastogi

Aarav Rastogi Posted 3 years ago






Aarav Rastogi

Aarav Rastogi Posted 3 years ago

yes you can learn helpful ways to do certain parts faster just by going slow and trying to figure out some good finger tricks for it

Aditya  Rai

Aditya Rai Posted 3 years ago

Hi feliks

Aarav Rastogi

Aarav Rastogi Posted 2 years ago

Hi Feliks


Cuber Karthik

Cuber Karthik Posted 2 years ago

Thanks! it helped me a lot!

Aarav Rastogi

Aarav Rastogi Posted 2 years ago

Hi feliks


Eli Carr

Eli Carr Posted 2 years ago

This website is amazing! I went in around sub-65 and now I'm sub-40. (I learnt some LL algs and lubed my cube).

Isaac  Mahoney

Isaac Mahoney Posted 2 years ago

HI Feliks,

This blog has helped me alot, I was getting sub 50's and now I'm getting sub 37's 

Thanks Feliks

Rishit Pandey

Rishit Pandey Posted 2 years ago

Hey Feliks, I'm just not able to understand F2L, how long will it take to learn F2L fully?

Rishit Pandey

Rishit Pandey Posted 2 years ago

I started cubing a month ago and average sub 10 with the Ortega method on a 2 by 2.

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago

It takes some time tog eat f2l down, don’t worry if you dont understand at first, no one does, you will get it soon. Took me like 2 months to get consistent with f2l

Dark Thunder X

Dark Thunder X Posted 2 years ago

i like feliks and jperm a lot 

Jiang Rongxuan

Jiang Rongxuan Posted 2 years ago


Breanna Ogle

Breanna Ogle Posted 2 years ago

Sad keyboard correction spelt rubik wrong

Devan Williamson

Devan Williamson Posted 2 years ago

Hi Feliks

Suzie Montgomerie

Suzie Montgomerie Posted 2 years ago

Hi Feliks, thank you for making this website!

Hayden Wai

Hayden Wai Posted 2 years ago

Hi Feliks this website is the best

Abdullah Ali

Abdullah Ali Posted 2 years ago

I really need a new 4x4  (I am a sub 1:10 solver) What should I get, (I had the MGC)?

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago

The mgc is one of the best 

Abdullah Ali

Abdullah Ali Posted 2 years ago

So r u saying I just get a new MGC or any other?

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago

no, just keep your mgc you dont need to upgrade

Abdullah Ali

Abdullah Ali Posted 2 years ago

No but it has become very hard to turn and sluggish so that is why i was asking

mateo lopez

mateo lopez Posted 2 years ago

I have a gan 4x4, its hard to turn at first and corner-cutting is hard, you can add lube and loosen it and its perfect, its most likely to pop this way though

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago

Abdullah Ali, if your cube is sluggish, just lube it. MGC is a very good 4x4 and I doubt you need a new one

かんた 織田

かんた 織田 Posted 2 years ago

how to turn fast?

bob bill

bob bill Posted 2 years ago


Iris Smith

Iris Smith Posted 2 years ago

Yah you can practice alot to turn faster and faster.


Abdullah Ali

Abdullah Ali Posted 2 years ago

Bob Bill, i did that and it became slower after lubing. 

Fatema Bhaijeewala

Fatema Bhaijeewala Posted 2 years ago

Your Website Is Awesome

It has always been my dream to be a speed cuber

This helps alot 


Aarav Rastogi

Aarav Rastogi Posted 2 years ago

I Have solved 21x21 cube

Blessino Bonsobruce

Blessino Bonsobruce Posted 1 year ago

Mine too is becoming had so I just lube it

Chucky Cheese

Chucky Cheese Posted 1 year ago

Is a 21 by 21 hard to solve?


Keith Reed

Keith Reed Posted 1 year ago

Never tried but I would think so I solved a 11 by 11 and that was a little hard lwith the last centers. What's the biggest cube you solved so far? I guess I should ask that first then what method do you use on big cubes


Justine  Peneaud

Justine Peneaud Posted 2 days ago

Merci beaucoup je vais pouvoir apprendre a mon frere a faire son rubiks cube car il l'a emmêlé des qu'il l'a eu.

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