Advanced F2L

Advanced F2L


Once you're confident that your F2L is efficient and your lookahead is solid, there are many more advanced techniques that you can learn for solving the cross and F2L. These videos will help you take your F2L to the next level.
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Tutorial Lessons

1 Introduction 0:46
2 Extended Cross Techniques 8:12
3 More Extended Cross Tips 12:10
4 More Cross Advice 4:21
5 Planning Cross & 1 F2L Pair 6:33
6 Example Cross Solves 4:59
7 Example Cross Solves 2 3:59
8 Efficiency vs Lookahead 2:44
9 Preserving F2L Pairs 3:40
10 Useful F2L Algorithms 3:37
11 Using Keyhole in F2L 5:13
12 F2L Flow 3:06
13 Multislotting 6:11
14 Orienting Edges During F2L 9:26
15 Edge Orientation and Rotations 5:04
16 [Practice Drill] X-Look Solves 2:14
17 F2L Example Solves 4:48
18 F2L Example Solves 2 4:34
19 Full Example Solves 10:00
20 Summary and Outcomes 1:16