COLL Algorithms

COLL Algorithms


COLL (Corners and Orientation of Last Layer) algorithms are used to orient and permute the corners of your last layer at the same time, presuming that all of your last layer edges are already oriented. There are 40 different cases to learn in this algorithm set.
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Tutorial Lessons

1 COLL Recognition Introduction 1:21
2 [Recognition] Sune and Anti-Sune Cases 5:27
3 [Execution] Sune and Anti-Sune Cases 2:54
4 [Recognition] T and U Cases 3:53
5 [Execution] T and U Cases 2:59
6 [Recognition] L Cases 1:48
7 [Execution] L Cases 1:29
8 [Recognition] Pi and H Cases 3:08
9 [Execution] Pi and H Cases 2:19